
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Staying Hydrated this Summer

Up to 60% of a male adult’s body is made of water. This leads us to some obvious conclusions: firstly, we are only 21% different to a banana (crazy, right?) but more importantly, we need to ensure that we top up body when we sweat. In hot weather, we tend to sweat more as the sun is beating down and we all tend to be a little more active. During summers, heat waves, and tropical holidays – it’s important we bring water alongside our sunscreen wherever we go. Let’s check out why it’s important to keep hydration levels topped up.

Water is critical for rehydrating the body after fluid loss, and it is usually recommended that you drink six to eight tall glasses of water a day (which amounts to about 2 litres). Although there are many supplements and alternatives on the market – good old H20 remains the best way of refuelling your body’s supply of water. A lot of the water we consume also comes from food – meats, vegetables, and pastas are high in h20 meaning they all contribute to your hydration levels.

Hot weather increases the bodies demand for water and other fluids tremendously. We need to account for not only our bodies basic need, but also the extra strain on our inner-water supply when sweating. We have already mentioned how much you should drink, but it may also help to be mindful of what you eat. Food contains water and other fluids. This can account for water intake but can also help manage your weight – which in the long term means your body exerts less energy to do more.

A good diet controls how much you sweat – and the less you sweat – the less water your body needs to replenish. Eating fruit and vegetables in lieu of sticky, sugary, or high carb food can help maintain weight levels and keep sweating to a minimum. You could also ditch the morning coffee as it activates the sweat glands, meaning more sweat and more hydration. If it’s a scorcher outside, it is recommended you stick to water. Maybe a cup of tea if you need a hot drink in the morning.

If you want to talk through water in-take or speak with one of our specialists, please contact our switchboard at (212) 241-6321

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