
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Our Tips for Healthy Bones and Reducing Joint Pain

 It is estimated that between one third and one half of the population of the United Stated aged 20 and over suffers from some form of joint pain. This can be caused by a variety of factors, from genetic predispositions to natural wear and tear of bones as we get older. While there may be no definite cure for chronic joint issues, there are ways that pain can be reduced so that it does not restrict everyday activities.

One tried-and-tested technique for reducing pain and inflammation around affected joints is to use temperature therapy. Cryotherapy, or ice therapy, is suggested as colder temperatures reduce the blood flow to the problem area and thus lessen swelling in the surrounding tissue. It is recommended that, on the first day pain is experienced, you should ice the area every hour for 15 minutes, reducing this to four or five times the next day, and each successive day that the pain remains. If the pain is caused by stiffness rather than inflammation, heat therapy can be used to relax the muscles and to warm up the joints so that they move more smoothly. Hydrotherapy with warm water will ease
pressure on the joints, and immersing the affected area while massaging it will stimulate blood flow to the area.

Often chronic joint pain is caused by the breakdown of protective cartilage over time. This can be counteracted to a certain extent by increasing intake of vitamin D, which is needed to help the body absorb calcium to strengthen bones. Increasing vitamin C levels can also be beneficial as it is a key component in making the cartilage that cushion the bones, and as such may reverse some of the damage. Diet plays a large role in join pain, and reducing sugar intake is an effective step to maintaining healthy joints as, if too much sugar is consumed it can begin to bond to proteins in a process known as glycation and can cause further weakening of the bones and joints.

Temporary relief from joint pain can be obtained with pain killers, however, there is also a whole range of more natural home remedies that have been suggested as having pain-alleviating properties. For reducing inflammation around the affected joints, turmeric and ginger tea may prove an effective solution. Turmeric contains an antioxidant called curcumin while ginger is high in compounds known as gingerols. Both of these active substances are known to be anti-inflammatory and as such can reduce painful joint swelling. For pain relief try taking a magnesium supplement or soaking the painful area in Epsom salts, which contain magnesium sulfate. These are effective natural pain relievers as magnesium relaxes muscles and nerve endings while also helping bones to mineralize, making them stronger.

To a certain extent bone deterioration and resulting joint pain is unavoidable, as natural processes weaken them with age. Nonetheless, there are steps that can be taken to keep bones as strong as possible, reducing joint pain to a minimum.  

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